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| Last Updated::06/01/2025

Major Activity


Workshop at Midnapore City College


Report of
Two days’ Workshop
‘Hands on training on Collection, Preservation and Identification of Orchids, Algae, Fungi & Bryophytes’
Department of Bioscience (Botany and Agriculture), Midnapore City College, Paschim Midnapur
16th to 17th August 2024
A two days’ Workshop and ‘Hands on training on Collection, Preservation and Identification of Orchids, Algae, Fungi & Bryophytes’ wasorganised by the EIACP Programme Centre-Resource Partner on Biodiversity (Flora), Botanical Survey of India and Central National Herbarium, Howrah on 16th to 17th August 2024 at the Department of Bioscience (Botany and Agriculture), Midnapore City College, Paschim Midnapur. During the workshop, The programme was inaugurated on 16th August 2024 by Dr. Sudipta Chakrabarty, Principal, Midnapore City college, Dr. Kuntal Ghosh, Vice-Principal, Midnapore City college, Dr. Kanad Das, Scientist ‘F’, CNH, BSI, Dr. R.K. Gupta, Scientist ‘F’ & HoO, CNH, BSI and Dr. J.S. Jalal, Scientist ‘E’, Hqrs., BSI & Project Co-ordinator, BSI EIACP PC-RP. Dr. Kamalendu De, Assistant professor, Midnapore City College introduced the guests and welcomed them and gave brief introduction about Botanical Survey of India and Midnapore City College. After the traditional lighting of the lamp by Principal and Vice-Principal, Midnapore City College and the scientists of BSIan inaugural song was sang by the students (UG 2nd Semester) of Midnapore City College. Dr. Ghosh, Vice-Principal, Midnapore City Collegewished the Workshop all success and appreciated the joint efforts taken by BSI, EIACP PC-RP in organizing the event. 115 UG & PG students, Research Scholars and Asstt. Professor of Midnapore City College, Pandit Raghunath Murmu Smriti Mahavidyalaya, Jamboni, Bankura University, Bajkul Milani Mahavidyalaya, Siksha Bhabana, Visva Bharati, Government General Degree College, Singur, Calcutta University, The University of Burdwan and Vidyasagar University is participating in this workshop. The workshop was spearheaded by a team of distinguished scientists, postdoctoral fellows (PDFs), and research scholars from the Botanical Survey of India.
After an immediate tea break, Dr. Kanad Dasgave a lecture on “Diversity, Systematics and Identification of Wild Mushrooms”. In his hour long talk he effectively explained the Taxonomy classification, collection, preservation and identification of wild mushrooms. After the lunch the second talk on ‘Identification of Algae’was delivered by Dr. R. K Gupta, Scientist-F & HoO, CNH, BSI. He explained habit habitat, collection, preservation, classification, life cycle pattern of algae. He also gave proper explanation on cyanobacterial mat types and their species composition, cleaning technique of diatoms and Economic Important of algae.
The 2nd day started with the lecture of Dr. Sashi Kumar, PDF, BSI. He gave a lecture on “Basic of Bryophytes, Plants characters, Identification, Herbarium Methodology and Documentation of Bryophytes”. After the lecture session a practical demonstration was performed by Dr. Sashi Kumar & Ms. Meghna Paul, JRF, BSI.They demonstrated about the identification, herbarium methodology and documentation of Bryophytes. The second talk was delivered by Dr. Jeewan Singh Jalal on “A synoptic overview of the orchids of western ghats and future prospective”. He gave a pictorial account of diversity of habitat, pollinia morphology, pollination mechanism, threat to orchid of Western Ghats. He also highlighted on the conservation priority zones for Orchids in NWGBased on ENM Modelling, micro-hotspots of orchids in Western Ghats, ethno-medicinal uses and future prospects of orchids.
Dr. De summarized the workshop sessions briefly to the delegates and congratulated both the organizations for conducting such a Workshop. Dr. Gupta added that such an activity in collaboration with another institution was beneficial to the institutions as well as to the participants. He appreciated the efforts taken by Department of Biological Sciences (Botany & Agriculture) and Dr. Soumitra Pal, Organizing Secretaryin hope of further implementation of such activities. Dr. Sudipta Chakrabarty, Principal, Midnapore City college, Dr. Gupta, Dr. Jalal, Dr. Pal and Dr. Dey awarded the certificates to the participants. The workshop was concluded with vote of thanks by Dr. Dey.