ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Major Activity

Yoga Day 2024



Report on
International Day for Yoga 2024
EIACP PC-RP on Biodiversity (Flora), Botanical Survey of India

BSI EIACP PC-RP on Biodiversity (Flora) in collaboration with AJC Bose Indian Botanic Garden, Howrah celebrated 10th Edition of International Day for Yoga 2024 on 21st June 2024 at 7.00 AM in front of Great Banyan Tree, AJCBIBG, Howrah. The theme of this year is “Yoga for Self and Society.” This subject emphasises the double benefits of yoga practice: enhancing personal well-being and improving society at large. The theme recognises that inner serenity and self-care are the cornerstones of a happy and healthy existence. The inauguration programme started with the welcome address by Dr. D. Singh, Scientist ‘E’ & Hoo, AJCBIBG followed by a brief introduction about the importance of Yoga by Dr. A.A. Mao, Director, BSI. The programme started with watering of plants ‘Hildegardia populifolia (DC.)  Schott & Endl.’ of the family Malvaceae by Director, BSI and HOO, AJCBIBG. A yoga demonstration was delivered by Ms. Jyoti Nahata, Chief Yoga instructor. 245 participants performed different Yoga, Asanas, Pranayam etc. in this 1.30 hrs. programme under the guidance of Ms. Nahata. She also explained the importance of Yoga in our daily life. Dr. A.A. Mao, Director, BSI addressed the gathering and inspired all, to performed yoga for betterment of their physical and mental health. Dr. Pratibha Gupta, Scientist ‘F’ & HoO, CBL, Dr. C. Murugan, Scientist ‘F’ & HoO, Hqrs., BSI, Dr. J.S. Jalal, Scientist ‘E’, BSI & In-charge BSI EIACP, Dr. D. Singh, Scientist ‘E’ & Hoo, AJCBIBG, other Scientists & staff members of BSI, staff member of BSI EIACP, Research Scholars and official of AXIS Bank, Howrah Division, West Bengal participated in this Yoga programme. AXIS Bank, Howrah Division, West Bengal sponsored white T-shirt for all the participants. Formal Vote of thanks was given by Dr. M.E. Hembrom, Scientist ‘C’, AJCBIBG, BSI. The programme concluded with the National Anthem.


International Day for Yoga 2024

International Day for Yoga 2024

International Day for Yoga 2024

International Day for Yoga 2024

International Day for Yoga 2024

International Day for Yoga 2024